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I hope you’ll take time to read this thought-provoking post by Perpetually Past Due. It brings up issues and problems that are crucial for us to address in these chaotic times.

I’ve been guilty myself of ignoring the reality of racial injustice, or justifying my own inaction over it, but I don’t want to live in a bubble anymore or bury my head under the sand. Just because I may not be personally affected by this does not mean that I don’t have a responsibility to do something about it.

It’s time to do more than say we care; we have to show that we care.

“We can no longer afford to turn our backs on our fellow Americans. Change is necessary, empathy is our duty, and it is no longer enough to say we support diversity; we need to show that we support diversity.” –Perpetually Past Due

Keep reading at the link below:

My fellow white people, let’s perform a thought experiment, shall we? Imagine: A video is released of an unarmed white man taken into custody for a non-violent crime who is lying on the ground, subdued by a black police officer who is placing his knee into the white man’s neck. We hear the subdued, unarmed white […]

via My Fellow White People — Perpetually Past Due